Joseph Beuys

Geboren 1921 in (). Starb in 1986
Liste expositions

Titus Andronicus /Iphigénie, 1969

Celtic +, 1971

Joseph Beuys und Seine Klasse, 1971

Ausfegen, 1972 - 1988

Videoviews Joseph Beuys, 1973

I Like America and America Likes Me, 1974

Public Dialogue at the New School, 1974

Beuys in America, 1974

Dillinger (He Was the Gangster's Gangster), 1974

Documenta 6 Satellite Telecast, 1977

Dialogue with Audience, 1980

Joseph Beuys: An Interview (Joseph Beuys: Une interview), 1980

Das Kapital, 1980

Schmerzraum (Espace de douleur), 1984

Von Hier Aus, 1984 - 1987

Joseph Beuys : A New Idea of Art, 1984 - 1987

Aktive Neutralität, 1985